
PVC4-72A型聚氯乙烯離心通風機 PVC4-72A型聚氯乙烯離心通風機參照金屬4-72性能參數采用硬聚氯乙烯板,加熱壓模焊接而成。其廣泛應用于科研、化工、冶金、電子、醫藥、紡織、儀表、電鍍、礦山、學校酒店、賓館、實驗室、環保配套設備等行業中作通風換氣排除酸堿性等有害氣體通風之用。但不允許輸送含芳香族化合物、脂肪族與芳香族碳氫化合物的鹵素衍生物、酮類等腐蝕性氣體。具有耐化學腐蝕、不易老化、比重小、機械振動小、噪音低、運轉平穩等特點。其所輸送氣體不允許含有粘性物質、所含粉塵及硬質顆?!?50mg/m3、氣體溫度≤50℃、相對濕度≤100%。且避免陽光暴曬、風機現場附近不得有熱源。

PVC4-72A series of centrifugal fan PVC4-72 type PVC centrifugal fan is made of hard PVC plate and heated die welding with reference to the performance parameters of metal 4-72. It iswidely used in ventilation, such as scientific research, chemical engineering, metallurgy, electronics, medicine, textile, instrumentation, electroplating, mining, school hotels, hotels, laboratories, environmental protection equipment and other industries. But it is not allowed to transport corrosive gases such as halogen derivatives and ketones containing aromatic compounds, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. It has the characteristics of chemical corrosion resistance, not easy aging, small specific gravity, small mechanical vibration, low noise, smooth operation and so on. The gas is not allowed to contain viscous substances, dust and hard particles is less than or equal to 150mg/m3, the gas temperature are less than 50, the relative humidity is less than 100%. And avoid sun exposure, no heat source near the fan site.

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